So, given that I don't have a problem, I thought this would be the perfect time to suggest gifts for readers and writers. You know, people like me (and you, I bet) who don't have a problem with coveting books or writing them, no matter how much they try to quit--wait. What? Quit? Who would want to quit? But I digress. These suggestions are not going to be books themselves. No, that would be silly. Of course the readers in your life want books. And the writers in your life want to write and sell them. You know that. But what you don't know is there are things that go along with books, things the readers and writers on your shopping list secretly want.
What are these wondrous items? Come on. I'll show you.
First we'll start with gifts for readers
Love Beacon
You think this is a book bag, right? It is, but it's so much more.
We'll start with its function as a bag. Every reader needs a book bag. Something to take with her to the library or when she's out and about. It shouldn't be too small because she might finish the book she's reading and need another one. She shouldn't be caught without options. So she'll need to carry several books with her wherever she goes. So make that bag sturdy.
But sturdiness is only one important quality of the bag. It should say something. Does your reader love sci fi? Make sure your bag shows it. Or does your reader coo at cozy mysteries? Let the bag share that with the world. Or, if your reader has eclectic taste, you can simply use the bag to proclaim that its owner loves books. But the bag should make a statement because a book bag can do more than carry books. A book bag can help readers find each other. So keep that in mind when shopping. With a book bag, you're not just giving a tote, you're giving a love beacon--a signal someone can send to the world that she is a reader. And maybe, just maybe, another reader will see the beacon and respond. What better thing to bond over than books?
Book Light
You might have bought a book light decades ago and realized they weren't made well. You might have even had a store clerk at a Waldenbooks discourage you from buying a book light back in the eighties because of their poor quality. (Nope. That wasn't me. No siree.) But today's book lights have come of age. Not only do they work well, but they're lightweight and pretty. Oh so pretty. Doesn't the reader on your list deserve a sturdy way to read in bed without the lamp on. (And to that point, doesn't the reader's mate deserve a way for the reader to read in bed without the lamp on?) So buy a book light. It's a gift for two, all in one.
Go for the Gold
Book bags and book lights are nice, you're thinking. But you want to show the reader in your life just how much you love her. Isn't there something nicer (read: pricier) you can buy? But of course. First, there's an e-reader. Yes, most people who would like a e-reader already have them, but I'd be remiss without mentioning them. When wrists get weak, e-readers can be easier to hold than books. And when eyes get tired, e-readers let you increase the type size, which can be nice too. And if you want a book and have an e-reader, you can click and have that book at your disposal in mere seconds, which is a pretty nifty thing indeed.
But, Barb, you're saying. I don't want to give an e-reader. I want to truly show the love of my life that I get her, right down to her introverted little toes. What can I buy that will show her I understand her completely? (Besides, of course, a vacation for her alone with her books.)
Well, okay. Get out your wallet. Besides a gift card for books, the best thing you can buy a reader is a ... bookshelf. Or two. Or two dozen. More and more and more. There are small bookshelves to go into niches in your bedroom. There are large bookshelves to cover walls in your study. And then, there's the granddaddy gift of them all.
Nothing says love like a built-in bookshelf. Be still my page-turning heart.
Gifts for Writers
We all know the standard ways people indicate they don't want others knocking on their doors. The Beware Dog sign. The doormat beseeching you to Go Away. The sock on the handle of a dorm room door, indicating that ... well, you know.
Writers need something like this too. All too often, a person toiling at home (especially someone who spends his days making up conversations for imaginary people) is viewed as interruptible.
"Mom, where are the cookies?"

"Have you checked the jar?" Grumble, grumble.
"Dad, can you drive me to my friend's house?"
"What, your legs don't work?" Even more grumbling.
"Honey, the house is on fire."
"I swear, if I get interrupted one more time I--oh, wait. That's an interruption I'm okay with."
Let's hope that house fires are few and far between. For those other times, your writer needs a way to nicely tell the member of his family to Go Away. So here we have it, a simple sign the writer can hang on his office door. Interrupt thereafter at your peril.
Page Holder
Until you've tried to type in edits, hunching forward to look down at a page on your desk then looking back up to your screen, then hunching forward again to find your place, then straightening up to type the next edits in before hunching once more, over and over and over, you haven't typed in edits first done on paper. Yes, some authors might do all their editing on the computer, but many people edit and proofread the old-fashioned way. I'm one of them. Reading off screen enables me to spot errors I believe I'd otherwise miss. And that's great, until it's time to type in the changes.
That's where a Page Holder comes in. It allows you to have your pages standing upright, so you can sit in the same position, with your eyes on the pages and your fingers on the keys, typing away. And when you need to look to the screen, it's so much easier moments later to simply scan to the left to find your place again on the paper page. This may seem like something silly or unnecessary, but oh my goodness, the writer in your life needs it. Since I got mine a few months ago, typing in edits goes So Much Faster. And, even more exciting, I don't have to worry any more about actually becoming a hunchback, which might be good for fiction set at Notre Dame, but in real life, not so much.
An editor
Every writer needs an editor. You never know when you might be telling too much instead of showing, or writing stilted dialogue, or not recognizing a plot hole so big Big Foot could fit through it. That's why it's always good to get a second pair of eyes, especially someone who specializes in this type of work.
Some authors rely on critique groups, and they can be great. But sometimes an author needs a professional. A freelance editor. This can be especially true for authors trying to sell a first manuscript and authors planning to self-publish. But freelance editors can be pricey, so if you love an author, perhaps the best present you can give is the gift of an editor's time.

So, do you have a great gift you can recommend for the reader or writer in your life? Please share in the comments. And happy early Thanksgiving!
When a bookmark just won't do… Actually, I'm not sure they ever did.
ReplyDeletePrivacy, or at least quiet, is a great gift. If one can curl up on a sofa with toes tucked under their honey, that can work.
Dixon Hill's family might have had the right idea. When Dixon moved to his own house, he purpose-built his own writing studio. That's quite a family gift!
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ReplyDeleteA great list, Barb. And I agree with Leigh, peace and quiet is one of the best gifts a writer can get.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on page holder. Think of it this way- it's way cheaper than a trip to PT to get one's neck sorted out!
ReplyDeleteI think you covered it, Barb! Except you forgot the scotch :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Barb - and I totally agree. EVERYBODY needs more bookshelves. And page holders -
ReplyDeleteI have one from the 1970s, which is still holding up perfectly well, thank you. But I'll take more. E-readers? Well, I have the original kindle, still working fine, but if anyone really WANTS to give me an updated one... But again, EVERYBODY needs more bookshelves. And more. ANd more...
Bookshelves, of course! And, definitely peace and quiet...
ReplyDeleteEven though I come into contact with them every day, I can't imagine someone who doesn't read and wouldn't cherish a reading or writing related gift. Their fantasy life must be even richer than mine.
There are places that house people like that.
Great post, Barb. And thanks for the great suggestions...
Page holder, brilliant! I want one.
ReplyDeleteLeigh, a bookmark can make a nice stocking stuffer. And adding a writing studio (or a she shed) to the list is a great idea!
ReplyDeletePaul, I'm with you in the need for quiet. That's where the "GO AWAY. I'M WRITING" sign comes so in handy. I think I saw it on Etsy.
Janice and Keenan, I think I see a page holder in each of your futures. I ordered mine through Amazon.
Eve and Steve, yes, more bookshelves for everyone!
And Mel, the scotch was a given. ;)