03 March 2024

Music, Neat

Many SleuthSayers enjoy a music background. I’ve long known Rob’s interest in folk music dating back to the classic electric zitherphone. Our Fran Rizer, no longer with us, was an avid bluegrass fan and picker. Liz Zelvin released an album. And I gathered Brian Thornton and Steve Liskow stay active in the music scene. Turns out Eve Fisher and Chris Knopf keep up as well. And then I learned Stephen Ross pretty much operates a home recording studio.

“Stephen, Lady Ga-Ga on line 2.”

After intense cogitation, I mapped out a trailer for our first anthology based on Deborah Elliott-Upton’s book cover. I loaded up tavern sound effects– laughter, tinkling glasses, breakage, yelps and more laughter. I snagged karaoke tracks featuring Chris Stapleton, George Thorogood, and a little bit drunk Lady Antebellum. But as much as I like ‘Tennessee Whiskey’ (the song at least, thank you, Melayna), the cuts didn’t quite match the mood of the book. But I knew who could.

I put out a call and a half dozen SleuthSayers responded gleefully when I proposed a nearly impossible task– coming up with a bar song amid a time crunch. Using groundwork laid by Lopresti and Liskow, the team figured out how to pull off a global effort. Thank you, everyone. Here is the song, composed and sung by Rob Lopresti, instrumentals by Stephen Ross.

Murder, Neat

sung by Rob Lopresti, keyboards and percussion by Stephen Ross

Following are Rob's clever lyrics. No alcohols were unduly harmed in the making of this song.

Murder, Neat

lyrics and melody by Rob Lopresti

Come in the tavern and kindly ignore
The ax in the bar stool, the blood on the floor
You’re in no danger. Here death has no sting
For this is crime fiction and not the real thing.

There’s bourbon for burglars, and robbers get rye
Cocktail or blackmail? One vodka per spy.
Here partners may swindle and spouses might cheat
When SleuthSayers serve you up Murder, Neat.

The cops drop a beer in their favorite saloon
Where hardboiled detectives start drinking by noon
Amateur sleuths take red herrings and Scotch
While pickpockets covet your wallet and watch.

Femme fatales ask as they sip the champagne
Does gunpowder leave an indelible stain?
A dive bar is waiting down any mean street
Where SleuthSayers serve you up Murder, Neat.

Murder, Neat. Murder, Neat
That’s the name of the book
Where convict and constable, conman and crook
Will pour you a ninety proof story of crime
To make you turn pages way past closing time.

In the back room there are gangsters today
Planning a caper to steal cabernet.
If you aren’t driving the getaway car
They’ve got pinot grigio and plenty of noir.

The mastermind villain advances the plot
And chuckles that arsenic sure hits the spot.
Each cozy village has pubs so discreet
Where SleuthSayers serve you up Murder, Neat.

Murder, Neat. Murder, Neat
That’s the book you should choose
If you like your clues well-infused with some booze
You can buy it online or in bookstores downtown
But don’t steal a copy or we’ll track you down
When SleuthSayers serve you up Murder, Neat.


  1. Wow. Woke up and checked this out and it's fantastic. Way to go, guys. I'm sharing this all over social media.

    1. Hi O'Neil. It is fun, isn't it! They did a great job.

  2. Fun song! And congratulations on writing and publishing this anthology, SleuthSayers! A couple of days ago, I was finally able to order a paperback copy. I look forward to reading it!
    Anne van Doorn

    1. Anne! Glad to hear from you. I hope you like the stories, man, They are fun.

  3. Thanks to Leigh for putting this up, and thanks to Stephen for making it pretty.

    1. Thank you, Rob. You and the gang did criminally clever work. This afternoon I caught myself twice humming the tune. It's on the way to becoming earworm viral!

  4. Way cool! One of the most amazing things about team songwriting and performance in the 21st century is that it comes out sounding as if we were all sitting in the proverbial bar passing the bottle as we tossed ideas around. So please note that Rob lives in Washington State and Stephen in New Zealand. My only regret is that my suggestion to replace the femmes fatales with kick-ass dames didn't make the cut.

    1. I'm on your side, Liz. Thanks for taking part and thanks for pointing out the geographic implications. Pretty cool.

  5. Great job, everyone! I wish I could have been more useful, but this really shows that whether or not collaboration works in writing a story, it certainly does in music. Fun, fun, fun 'till Daddy takes the T-bird away...

    1. Steve, we appreciated your work and ideas. Being so spread out was an interesting challenge, but it worked. Thank you.

  6. Outstanding work. Congrats to everyone involved.

    1. Thank you, Mark. The musicians love their work.

  7. This is amazing! I grinned like an idiot all the way through, and laughed out loud at the end! Well done, you multi-talented people! Sharing now...Melodie

    1. On behalf of those who did the real work (everyone but me!), thank you, Melodie. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Rob's lyrics are sly, aren't they?

  8. FANTASTIC! Spreading the word (and the video) NOW!

    1. Eve, thanks for taking part. The end result was a lot of fun. BTW, I'll make the files available for anyone who wants to use them.

  9. Wonderful! I'm off to share.

    1. Thank you, Bob. Those compliments go a long way.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you, Barb. The team did a fantastic job, and Stephen and Rob are brilliant. I thank you for your work– I wanted to add your name into the credits. (You're also credited in YouTube's more….)

  11. This is great, Rob! Thank you!

    1. Hi David! Thanks on behalf of Rob. It's good to see you back in our locker room.

  12. A lot of fun. Rock on Sleuthsayers!

  13. This is fabulous!

  14. Fabulous!!! You all made Rob sound great! Thank you so much for such musical fun...

    1. Oops! This is Rob’s friend and fan, Fl!p Breskin, in Bellingham WA USA.


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