09 January 2025

2025 and A Wee Bit of Nostalgia

You have to admit that 2025 started off rough: the terrorist who drove a truck through a large crowd on Bourbon Street, New Orleans, and killed 16 and counting. The army vet who blew up a Tesla truck (with himself in it) in front of Trump Casino in Las Vegas. And the gang shooting in Queens, where 4 gunmen shot 10 people (who thank God survived). All on New Year's. I think that's enough to make Baby 2025 go off and put bourbon in the baby bottle.

We didn't have it that easy here, either. In Sioux Falls, we were greeted on January 2nd with the news that a meth head in Yankton had killed his girlfriend and then beheaded her. (LINK here for the gory details.) They had been having a meth party - 


which isn't that uncommon. It's one of the reasons that I laugh as hard as I do at Kathleen Madigan's bit on meth labs:

The truth is, we all know up here that meth is everywhere (here in Sioux Falls it's either meth or fentanyl or heroin and for all I know they're mixing them up together). And there's some small towns that are just one giant meth lab. There are also some small towns that don't want any strangers coming in, through, or by them. I don't know what the Venn Diagram is of that, but I am willing to place a few bets...

And, right now, we're going through a bitter, bitter cold snap, with single digits overnight (if lucky) and barely in the teens, then the 20s. With a wind. Every joint I have is hurting, and the rest of me doesn't like it much either. I'm getting too old for this! I rail at the universe, but the lottery money hasn't come yet. Will keep you posted.

Meanwhile, I do remember when we moved up here to South Dakota. I was 36 and still able to do 99% of whatever I wanted to do, and considered winter a challenge. I drove twice a week at night in the winter to finish my Master's Degree in History down at USD in Vermillion. I remember one night, after a good thick snow that wasn't going anywhere, it was a full moon, and it was so bright, reflecting off all that snow, that I turned off my headlights and just drove without them for a couple of miles. (Don't worry, there wasn't anyone or anything else out on the road with me.)

And I remember taking hikes at the park, and taking pictures of the ice and the snow and wonder of it all:

Looking up, one cold Christmas day:

A picnic area frozen tap, turned into the Ice Walker:

I had such fun. It was good while it lasted.  Meanwhile, I think I'll go mull some ale...


  1. Snow isn't as much fun when one is too old to ski and too unsteady to skate!

  2. No, Janice, it isn't. But we had a nice fluffy snow the other day that was lovely to look at, from the inside, with a cup of hot tea in my hand.

  3. But we had some good times in the snow. We have avoided going to the hospital with a broken arm or leg.

  4. I had a winter accident that unfortunately changed my life when I was 47. New driver (17 years old) hit my car head on. Wrecked my back, alas. So I can admire the pretty flakes, but regret how they affected the rest of my life. Melodie

    1. Yiii, Melodie. I'm so sorry to hear that. Thanks for giving us a peek at what you went through.

  5. Appreciating Minnesota winters as a challenge kept me on my toes. I lived in a state forest, so I took a winter survival course just in case. God bless our Canadian colleagues!

    Madigan is right… meth and science help cull the herd.

    1. Leigh... I'm always amazed that meth heads live as long as they do.

  6. Oh, Melodie, I'm so sorry to hear that! Hard, hard, hard...


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