13 February 2024

Raise a Glass for Our First Anthology: Murder, Neat!

An author, an author, and an author walk into a bar, along with twenty-one more of their colleagues. The bartender serves 'em all. In the process, he learns they all blog together.

"What do you write about," the barkeep asks.

"Murder," they reply in unison.

The bartender gives 'em a big smile and says, "Neat."

In case you haven't heard, today's the publication date for Murder, Neat, an anthology with twenty-four short stories all written by members of this blog. Every story lets the reader belly up to a bar and settle in for a good tale. Most of them take the reader to actual bars--regular, dive, college, even a gastropub--but we have restaurants and a winery in the mix too. We have stories set in the US as well as in other countries and on other continents. We have stories occurring in the current day and stories set long before you could kick back with a beer and root for your favorite team on a tavern's big screen. But what all the stories have in common is crime--and alcohol, of course.

I had the pleasure of editing this anthology--the first SleuthSayers anthology--with Michael Bracken. We had the honor of taking on this task when the man originally tapped to edit the book, our dear friend Paul D. Marks, handed over the reins after falling ill. Paul died in 2021. On this day, we raise a glass in remembrance of him, as well as two other fellow SleuthSlayers whom we lost too soon: Fran Rizer, who died in 2019, and Bonnie (B.K.) Stevens, who died in 2017.

You may be wondering who this "we" is. Who are the authors with stories in the book? Let me direct your attention to this nifty graphic created by friend Gabriel Valjan, which lists not only the authors but their story titles in the order they appear in the book. I've read all of these stories multiple times, and I'm pleased to say they're all perfect for settling down by a fire, with a drink in your hand and the book in your lap.

Before I go, I'll share a little about my story, "Never Have I Ever." It's March 1989. Tamara and five college friends are at their go-to Thursday night bar, deep in their cups, playing their favorite drinking game, Never Have I Ever. Even as the secrets fly, Tamara has some she'll never share. Because she's obsessed. Because she's haunted. Because she has a plan.   

Murder, Neat is coming out today, February 13th, in trade paperback and ebook from the fine folks at Level Best Books. Here's a link to buy the Kindle book (the only option available as I type this, but the book should be out in trade paperback too when you read this). To everyone who picks up a copy, we raise a glass in your honor too. Cheers!


  1. A great way to debut Murder, Neat. Many thanks to you and Michael for all your hard work!

    1. Thanks, Janice. And you're welcome. It was my pleasure.

  2. Congrats to all the SleuthSayers on this impressive anthology!

  3. SlethSayers who are also SMFS list members are featured in our SMFS Blog newspost at https://shortmystery.blogspot.com/2024/02/smfs-members-published-in-murder-neat.html

  4. Thank you for your hard work on my/our stories. Proud to be a part of it!

    1. You're welcome, Joseph. I'm delighted you're part of it too.

  5. Super intro, Barb! Damn, I'm proud to be part of this group. Thanks again for all your work on this.

    1. Thanks, Mel, on both counts. Happy to be sharing the same covers with you.

  6. Thank you so much for your and Michael's hard work on the anthology! I am so proud to be part of it!

    1. You're welcome, Eve. I'm so pleased to be in this book with you.

  7. Congratulations to all! Pleased to be part of the book myself. :-)

    1. So happy you're in the book too, Art! I hope you'll be celebrating with your family tonight. Maybe at a restaurant that takes good coupons, like two for one. :)

  8. Thanks for you fine editing work Barb! I'm looking forward to reading your story. Love your "Because she's obsessed..." tagline for it.

    1. Thank you, Larry, for the kind words! Happy you're in the book.

  9. So pleased to be part of this with all you SleuthSayin' stars.

    1. I'm also so pleased you're in the book, Liz!


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She’s also sarcastically flip-lipped, but where else can a P.I. find a gal who can wield a candlestick phone, a typewriter, and a gat all at the same time? So bear with us, we value your comment. Once she finishes her Fatima Long Gold.

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