25 April 2023

It's Malice time!

I like to think of myself an an organized person, but sometimes life just kicks my butt. Normally I would write this post tomorrow (Monday) so it can appear at 12:00 a.m. Tuesday, but I forgot--until a minute ago--that they are doing internet upgrades in my neighborhood tomorrow and I'll be without service for a good chunk of the day (and that's if they keep their word to finish on time). So I need to write this now, but I don't have time to write a full-fledged column now so ... I'm taking the easy way out.

The Malice Domestic convention starts on Friday. Malice, as it's affectionately known, is a fan convention that celebrates the traditionally mystery, though the authors and fans who attend typically read across the crime-fiction spectrum. I am honored to be this year's toastmaster. Our other honorees this year are: Hank Phillippi Ryan, guest of honor; Vaseem Khan and Abir Mukherjee, international guests of honor; Ann Cleeves, lifetime achievement honoree; Tanya Spratt-Williams, fan guest of honor; Luci Zahray (better known as the Poison Lady), Amelia honoree; and Elizabeth Peters, our Malice Remembers honoree.

I'm also honored to have a short story nominated for this year's Agatha Award. My fellow finalists are Cynthia Kuhn, Lisa Q. Matthews, Richie Narvaez, and Art Taylor. You can access the five nominated stories through Malice Domestic's website. Just click here and scroll down to the names of the short stories. Each one is a link. Happy reading!

If you're going to Malice, yay! I'm looking forward to seeing you.

And I'll see you all here in three weeks.


  1. Have a great time and good luck with the Agathas!

  2. Nice post! Sometimes deadlines lead to great results. See you at Malice.

    1. Thanks, Leone! I'm looking forward to seeing you too.

  3. Congrats on being the Toast Master and good luck with your story.

  4. Congratulations on being Toast Master, good luck with the Agatha, and have a great time. I do wish I were there but alas. Another time. --Susan Oleksiw

    1. Thanks, Susan. Sorry you can't make it this year. Another time indeed.

  5. Congrats--looking forward to seeing you there!

    1. Thanks, Kaye! I'm looking forward to seeing you too.

  6. Have fun!! Wish I could be there; take lots of pictures...

    1. Thank, Fleur. Sorry you can't make it. I'll see what I can do about pictures.

  7. I'll be there, but thanks to my recent knee-replacement surgery I'll be hobbling around on a walker — and taking enough pain medication that I'm not sure I'll realize that I'm there.

    On Saturday at 9 AM, I'm on the editor panel with AHMM's Linda Landrigan, BCMM's Michael Bracken, and SHMM's Carla Coupe. People who are interested in selling short crime fiction to magazines and anthologies should come listen to Linda, Michael, and Carla talk sensibly — and watch medicated me mumble unintelligibly....

    Meanwhile, congrats to Barb on the toastmaster gig and the Agatha nom!


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